Monday, December 27, 2010

Snow Puppy

We took Penny out to play in the snow today. She loved it. Here are some pics.

We are having a wonderful time in Wisconsin relaxing and spending time with the Augusts. I am feeling back to normal after my surgery also (although my doctor said no heavy lifting for a while).

Hope you all have a great day!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Adios Appendix!

Well, the last two days have been a little dramatic. Tuesday at lunch time I started feeling some stomach pain. I assumed it was an upset tummy and went about my day though. It was weird because it felt like I had done a thousand sit-ups the day before, when in actuality, I had done no exercising. My whole abdomen was sore. Something felt a little off.

When I got to Jason's after work, things just started to feel progressively worse. By 8 pm or so, the pain was really localized to my lower right abdomen. We researched appendicitis on the internet and by 11 pm or so, decided it would be best to go to the ER and get me checked out.

Well, after a CT scan around 1 am or so, we were told that I definitely had appendicitis. Luckily, we went in early enough to where it had not ruptured yet. I was moved into a hospital room and at 6:45 am a surgeon came by to tell me he was ready to remove my appendix. He was able to remove it lathroscopicly which basically means he only had to make 3 incisions (1 in my belly button, 1 just above it, and 1 just below it). I must admit, i was a little nervous to have the surgery, since I don't think I had ever been put under before. I was in good hands though and everything went smoothly.

The most terrible part of the entire ordeal was the soreness from the CO2 they pump into your body cavity during the surgery. Holy crud did it leave me sore. When I had to stand for the first time after the surgery, I felt like someone ran over me with a car.

I was released this morning at around 11 am from the hospital, and I am starting to feel a lot better already. My sweet fiance has been taking wonderful care of me and I have loved all the kind messages I got from friends and family.

Ok, I'm exhausted, so I'm off to bed. Merry Christmas!